Experience our picks & see why people love them!
Thank you very much. AAA quality. Eduardo F.
As described and made with great quality. Kevin W.
Your picks are unbelievable! They are so natural and just what every pick should be! Lots of love man. William C.
Finally had some time to spend with the picks and they are great! Been using the standard size the most, but I really do enjoy the smaller size for some more shreddy, jazzy stuff as well! The little texture on it right where my thumb is, is just perfect. Jay J.
I really dig them. Super articulate and great clarity. The Dunlop Ultex Jazz III comes close but they wear in a really funky manner. I stopped using them years ago and switched to the Tortex Jazz III and have been with those for a few years now. They sound and feel kind of mushy to me now, like I need to use more energy to get what I need. well done man. Curt F.
Love the sound of these so much! Nathan W.